Sunday 28 June 2015

Question for Anne: Why "retire"?

Hello Annabelle,

Another question for you when you have a chance.  I was just wondering what you would describe as your reasons for wanting to "retire" so soon.  Obviously you are having great focus and determination to do it and so I wonder how you would describe why it is worth it.  I know society would obviously say why work if you don't have to, but there are a lot of people who would not make the decisions you are making now with the frugality inherent in the life you are choosing.


1 comment:

  1. this is a big question! A lot of it is a dissatisfaction with the busy-ness of our current life. When we are both working, life just feels so full and busy. I know part of it is a stage of life thing which may improve as our kids get older, but part of it is just the fact of making lunches and getting all the house stuff done in such a limited time.

    We would also like to take 2-3 months off per year to travel, and that is just super difficult with our current lifestyle. My work may let me continue to take summers off, but also taking a month off in winter would probably not fly...

    we don't necessarily consider it as "retiring", but as trying out some different kinds of lifestyles and jobs without having to worry about making money.
